Utube top gay movies

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But then Rod is headed back to his college dorm for the fall semester, and Eric is stuck in another year of high school with Maggie.Īs the story progresses, Eric’s look starts to get more out there, with a bleached ‘do and androgynous clothes, as he becomes more comfortable with his sexuality. The two head out on a date together on the last day of work for the summer, which ends with them hooking up in a motel. It’s clear that Maggie has a thing for Eric, and Eric is struggling with his feelings for Rod. As it turns out, Rod is gay, and he and Eric develop a bit of a flirtatious relationship. They soon befriend their lesbian manager, Angie (played by Orange is the New Black‘s Lea DeLaria), and one of their coworkers named Rod.

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Eric is just a music-obsessed teen trying to save money for college, so he and his best friend, Maggie, take a job in a fast food restaurant at the amusement park for the summer.

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