Gay men pride flag colors

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While some may know that they experience same-sex attraction from a young age, it can take others decades to figure it out or be comfortable enough with their identity to acknowledge it to themselves and others. There is not just one way to experience same-sex attraction, nor is there a set period in life to discover that you experience it. Thus, having had sexual intercourse with someone of the same gender does not make anyone gay by definition. 'Gay' as an identity is defined by the attraction and self-identification as such rather than having had any sexual experience with people of the same gender. In a broader sense of the word, gay can also be used as an umbrella term to identify any LGBTQIA+ individual, though some note that doing so excludes other sexual orientations and gender identities and should thus be avoided. Queer and bisexual are also among the terms used for those who are attracted to members of the same gender. This is most commonly associated with men, as a gay woman may prefer to use the term ' lesbian' instead. Gay is an adjective referring to those with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to people of the same gender.

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